Saturday, May 24, 2008

Today was a good day

Ahh today started early here on the farm.
I was up at 4:30. I had a hot date! Now, if you get up at 4:30, you have to spend your time doing something before the sun comes up. I took my shower, cleaned the kitchen (again, even though it didn't need it..I bleached the sink!), fed the chickens, did a load or two of laundry and got ready for my hot date.
Who was I going to see you ask?? Well, the hot date was with my daughter and her new son.

I got the chance to hold Brayden today for the first time. I especially love to hold them when they are all snugged up in their receiving blankets! After his feeding, we went shopping. I bought a new changing table/storage unit for Brayden, and then we went to lunch at Olive Garden. YUM! One of my favorite places.

I was back home at about 1 and started working on blogs! WOW, keeping up with as many as I do is getting to be a daunting task. :) But it's all good.

Tomorrow is a garden day for me. Our weather turned beautiful this afternoon, so I'm sure it will be cool tomorrow morning. That means garden work! It's so much easier to do in the coolness of the mornings.

So, I'm off to bed, how about you meet me tomorrow....down on the farm

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