Saturday, May 24, 2008

Now that we're rested

Let's take walk in the yard shall we??

Can you hear those chimes! Oh my I love chimes. If a wind kicks up or a storm is on the way, the chimes give me a forwarning of it. These are right outside the back door.

This little guy, my first gnome has been
moved from the rock garden. Now he watches over the entrance and some of the potted plants.

We are in the process of preparing to put a deck on the back of the house, so my rock garden
will have to be moved. Sad thing, but then
again, I get to redecorate the yard!

Ahh, the sun peeking through the fig trees! How pretty. Can you see the oblong little figs beginning their growth! It's looking to be a good crop for this year, and who doesn't love fresh figs! I also can some into jam/jelly for the larder. It's a great jam!

Look what else I spied in the fig trees! A birds nest! I'll have to keep my eye on this little nest, to see the babies. Maybe I can even one day get some pictures for you!

Along the side of the house, is of course my hammock, hanging under a large pecan tree.

Don't swing there when the pecans start to fall!!

Next to that, is the Seven Sisters rose vine.
It's a beauty to look at but oh my the thorns
these classic vines do produce!

We hope to get it on a trellis or an arbor this year as the one it was on just kinda gave out.

The big trees along the front of the yard are almost too big to take pictures of! I keep trying, but gosh, just can't seem to fit them all in. One is a giant pin oak, and I do mean GIANT! The other is a monster of a Magnolia! Check back next time as I try to get pictures of those. I am grateful for those trees, old and huge they may be, but the shade the provide for us is wonderful!

Along the front drive are the blueberries.
There is a row of five, I've only pictured four.
Those five bushes produce so many blueberries,

I usually end up giving some away each year!

Here's a tip for you blueberry growers.
Don't wash them in you intend on freezing them.
If you wash them first, the skins will be
tough when you take them out to use them.
I clean them by putting a handfull or two at a time
into a towel, and tossing them back and forth,
kind of like a towel hammock or sling, rolling
them from side to side. Then freeze.
No blanching, no washing, just the blueberries.
They taste like the came right off the vine all year that way!

The fifth blueberry bush is a little further
back and harder to get a shot with all of them.

The branches are loaded with berries.

OHH yum! The taste of sun warmed
just picked blueberries!

Well, I have more pictures but I will save those for another day. I hope you've enjoyed our walk around the yard.

Why don't you plan on visiting again soon, and meet me down at.........The Garden Gate!

1 comment:

Sage said...

Thanks RoseMarie! I thought it would be easier to keep the garden stuff on a seperate page, that way if someone wasn't interested in the main Sagewood farm page, they could come straight to here and get their gardening fix! Glad you like it and it has been fun keeping up with it AND the gard! WHEW! Visit often!