Wednesday, November 14, 2012

TURNIPS! (free no less!)

It's a beautiful day here on our little acre (or so) of comfort. The temps are low, the humidity is still hanging on, and the sun is hiding behind a river of overcast. It's all good though because's TURNIP DAY!

Unfortunately the hubs and I did not plant a fall garden this year, but a friend of mine at work had a family member that seemed to be overun in turnips. Did I turn them down..OH NO NO NO! I met her today and she handed me over a mighty fine picking of turnips..tops and bottoms! (some were already cleaned and ready for the pot even! How cool is that!?)

I culled through the free bounty of greens, putting aside some for us and some for the furbabies (aka: bunnies) See..bunnies love turnip greens. You just can't feed them solely on them, but as an addition to their regular fare..they love them.
Here's proof!

The tops that I sat aside for the bunnies were bundled up, ready to dry for winter use (of course, I gave them some fresh) and the ones for us were washed, added to the prewashed ones and into the pot they went. Some Boston butt end portions rounding out the pot. :)

Can anyone guess what's for dinner??

I saved aside some turnip cuttings and a few of the stem cuttings for the bunnies for later this week as well. I'll wash these and put them in the fridge to keep them fresh. My bunnies are spoiled.

Till next time....
Down on the Farm

1 comment:

Ashley said...

Ciannon is very excited to come see your bunnies. I just showed her the picture!