Thursday, November 27, 2008

Well, as you can see above..we had a White Thanksgiving!! That's not all we had. We had a new permanent little visitor for Thanksgiving and I do believe she'll be sticking around for many more Thanksgivings! Our newest and second grandchild, Miss Ciannon Bailey was born Wednesday afternoon. She is doing fine and so is Mom & Dad. They've spent their Thanksgiving day together as a family at the hospital today and will be home tomorrow.

Here's a pic of the little one. There are more pictures and her story on "Ciannons Page." You can find the permanent link to the left. ENJOY!

As you know, I'm still in New York and will get to spend about a week with Ciannon before I have to return to South Carolina.
I've truly enjoyed the visit, the snow and the cold weather! (about as much as I did last year when we visited!)

Ciannon will have many more visitors over the next month, she has a large extended family..from all over. Many in South Carolina and Virginia, even all the way out to California and everyone is anxious to see her.

Our plans are to celebrate our Thanksgiving on Saturday, after everyone gets home and things are 'settled' a bit more. It's all good as long as their is turkey and all the 'trimming's that go with a Thanksgiving dinner.

I hope everyone who visits had a wonderful Thanksgiving and shared it with everyone you wished to. Till next time!

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