Saturday, January 15, 2011

Some canning pics for ya!

Start boiling the chicken.
Jars ready and sterilized

Chicken done, time to strain the broth

A lot of lovely golden broth...YUMM

Fill canner with prepared jars and process!

Prepare the veggies
Veggies and broth added
 NOW..time for SOUP!

I add carrots and celery first, then parsley and a t. salt and fill to to the top of the veggies with broth, then add chicken and finish filling with broth.

Filled with chicken and topped with broth, ready to process!

Five qrt. jars of soup, 6 qrt. jars of  chicken and 4 qrt. jars of broth later..WHEW! I'm done (for now at least!)
See ya next time......down on the farm! Sage

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