Thursday, April 24, 2008

Make ahead meals!

Make ahead meals..on 'work late days' are great!

Yesterday was a 'work late' day. Now, work late days are when I KNOW in advance that the hubby is working late, and when I mean late, even HE doesn't know what time he'll get in. So on those days, I cook something easy, or pull something from the freezer that I've already made and frozen. Yesterday was one of those 'freezer' days.
I happened to have some 5-bean soup in the freezer which I had made weeks before, with plenty of leftovers! So with the hard part already done, I planned the meal ahead, add some rice and corn muffins and ya got it made!

Ohh and here is a pic of the Sourdough Wheat bread

I made the other day. It was soo good!
I'll have to post the recipe soon.

How many of you keep sourdough starter in your fridge??

I've been busy with the normal house stuff..yesterday being Wednesday, and Kitchen day, I made a point to mop the floor, bleach the sinks, wipe down the outside of the chest freezer, clean the toaster and wipe the cabinet fronts around the stove area. Unfortunatly, I didn't seem to get much else accomplished. Of course, I really try to make mid-week a garden the Garden got a little tending to.
I've got weeds on top of weeds in a few of the beds, so I'm gonna have to spend some extra time in there this weekend. Let's hope we don't have rain!

So..what is one old fashioned thing from the kitchen that you like to make? Bread, Jam, Noodles?
Share with the rest of us Hedgewives what you like to make from your kitchen. We'll get that cookbook started yet!
See you next time..and Happy Hedgwifing!

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