Monday, January 24, 2011

Here it is again..

It's one thing Mondays!!

As you already know, today is my BUBBLE day, the last of the laundry is washing now, the other loads are washed and stacked in the basket waiting for the weather to warm up a bit and the sun to peak over the edge so I can go hang them out. It's supposed to be in the 50's by noon.
I still have to put clean sheets on the bed,  but bathroom and bedroom cleaning are done for the week/day.
So what's our 'One Thing? It's the silverware drawer!
I'm sure everyone has some way in which they divide their silverware up, little holders or one that's shape fit to the utensils. Either way, it's time to clean it! While you're at it, go through your silverware and take out what you don't need. Re-purpose it where you can (use them for garden tools!), donate the rest or even make a 'kitchen' wind chime for outside the window. Once the drawer is empty and the containers or dividers are clean, clean the drawer and re-organize it as best you can!
So what's on your agenda today?I'll try to post some pics this afternoon of the finished apron. I may have to make a few adjustments to the pattern, but it's exactly what I was looking for! :)

For my no 'techy' Wednesday this week, I think I'll be sitting in the dentists office. Good way to get some hand work done, or even a book read. It'll also make 'no techy Wednesday' easy to accomplish! LOL

We'll be getting 10 more chickens today. A little while back a young man (who lives on the next street down) came to my door asking if I had fertile eggs..of which I replied "yes, I do." He wanted to buy some so I sold him the first 2 dozen, but then he told me he'd like to get about 10 dozen total in the long run. Apparently something got all their stock, 30 of them, killed and or ate them all. I've been there.
So I made a deal with him. "You take all the eggs you need, hatch them out, I'll charge you nothing but 10 chickens 'feathered' out in return". He agreed. All told, he probably got about 20 dozen fertile eggs from me and he's bringing me my 10 chickens today. Eventually, and very soon I think I'll be getting a rooster from him if he has one available.
The current roo we have is MEAN as a rattlesnake! So, bringing in another roo may cause fights sure, but the second roo will be much more docile with not being the 'lead roo'. Once he's here, subdued, established and easy to get along with, the mean as a rattlesnake roo#1 will see the bottom of the stew pot! I carry a big stick with me every time I go outside because of that roo.
He's so onery I'll have to cook him extra long just to tenderize him!
Well, I'm off to find something to bake to finish up my 'BUBBLE'..I think some blueberry 'something' is calling!
Matter of fact, I think I'll follow the "Georgia Farm Woman' and make 'this' except I'll replace the peaches with blueberries! Visit "Life on a Southern Farm" to get the recipe and see her new babies!!

Have a great day!!!

1 comment:

ga.farmwoman said...

I bet the upside cake will be delicious with blueberries! I'll have to try that too.

Thanks for trying it.
Have a great day.